Shadowfire.nl won't be updated anymore but it's new incarnation Shadowfire.eu will take over to show you more beautiful photos from around the world.
Emphasis lies on quality over quantity, responsive design and easy navigation.
Hope to see you there!

Through four countries, from it's waterfall heart, across nature reserves and vast deserts to the most southern edge of this primal continent.

A quick tour of this beautifull Eastern European city.

A selection of (desktop) screenshots spanning a few decades.

Back and forth to France by Thalys. Experimented with color 3D photography.

Copy / paste into your HTML code or css.

Booked a trip to this amazing country, a surreal place living between medieval and modern times. Packed with people, cows, dogs, camels and rats and the occasional tiger along the way. Hard to describe what it's like in words, so let the pictures do the talking...

Three galleries of dark surreal artwork, photographs of Mexico, Scandinavia, Nepal, Egypt and much more.

Flew to Las Vegas, Rented a car for three weeks, drove through Nevada, California, Arizona and back. Got home with 3000 images. Here's a selection...

Mexico city to the peninsula of Yucatan by bus. Many many Aztec and Maya ruins along the way. Here's a few photographs I took.

Back-packing in this country is easy. Just follow the Nile...