NVM wonen website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
Broker real estate website.

My part: Layout, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
In this catagory:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) Go to: http://www.3dmakelaars.nl
NVM wonen website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
Broker real estate website.

My part: Layout, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
Find me:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) Go to: http://www.aemstelpunt.nl
NVM style customer demo website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw, NVM stijl
Broker real estate website in NVM style.

My part: Graphics design, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework, NVM style template design.
Search for:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) NVM stijl (20) Go to: http://website.realworks.nl
NVM wonen website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
Broker real estate website.

My part: Layout, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
Related:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) Go to: http://www.degraafengroot.nl
NVM wonen website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
Broker real estate website.

My part: Layout, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
See more:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) Go to: http://www.devries-makelaars.nl
NVM wonen website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
Broker real estate website.

My part: Layout, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
Get me more on:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) Go to: http://www.ijsselstreek.nl
NVM wonen website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
Broker real estate website.

My part: Layout, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
See more:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) Go to: http://www.makelaardijbertens.nl
NVM wonen website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
Broker real estate website.

My part: Layout, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
In this catagory:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) Go to: http://www.siewe.nl
NVM wonen website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
Broker real estate website.

My part: Layout, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
Related:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) Go to: http://www.vandenbrink.nl
ResumeWednesday December 16, 2009
resume, HTML, CSS,DHTML,XHTML, XML, Perl, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, CGI-BIN, Bash, scripting,Linux,FreeBSD,Apache,MySQL
  • Photoshop, The Gimp, Fireworks, Flash, Adobe Premiere, ImageMagick
  • Good TCP-IP knowledgde, cross browser testing, general internet knowledge
  • Windows XP a.o. Companies looking for an allround webmaster, webdesigner, webdeveloper, system administrator, concept artist or all of the above?
  • Keywords: resume, DHTML, XHTML, CGI-BIN, Bash, scripting, Apache Find me:HTML (65) XML (38) Perl (6) PHP (7) MySQL (5) Javascript (4) Linux (11) FreeBSD (2) MySQL (5)
    Sandbox BMW framework RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
    Local development website to develop, try and test features of the BMW framework.

    My part: Layout, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
    See more:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36)
    NVM wonen website RW work, websites, portfolio, xml, html, css, coldfusion, bmw
    Broker real estate website.

    My part: Graphics design, site structure in XML, XHTML/CSS, coding (coldfusion) web widgets for BMW framework.
    Show me stuff on:RW work (44) websites (64) portfolio (62) xml (38) html (65) coldfusion (44) bmw (36) Go to: http://www.boelensjorritsma-assen.nl