CairoTuesday September 14, 2004
Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography
Parking lot near Abdeen Palace. One of the few quiet places in Cairo.
Show me stuff on:Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Abdeen PalaceTuesday September 14, 2004
Abdeen Palace, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography
Former royal residence, occasionally used by president Mubarak for official business.
Keywords: Abdeen Palace Search for:Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Islamic CairoTuesday September 14, 2004
Islamic Cairo, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography
Islamic Cairo has some of the messiest streets Cairo has to offer... (Uhm, is that woman following me? I could have sworn I've seen her before...)
Get me more on:Islamic Cairo (5) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Islamic CairoTuesday September 14, 2004
Islamic Cairo, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
This photo doesn't do the Cairo traffic chaos justice.
Search for:Islamic Cairo (5) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Ar Rifai MosqueTuesday September 14, 2004
Ar Rifai Mosque, Islamic Cairo, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography
Mosque of Ar-Rifai, where members of the royal family and the last shah of Iran are burried.
Related:Ar Rifai Mosque (2) Islamic Cairo (5) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Madrassa MosqueTuesday September 14, 2004
Madrassa Mosque, Ar Rifai Mosque, Islamic Cairo, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
Mosque of Ar-Rifia (l) and Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan (r).
Keywords: Madrassa Mosque Search for:Ar Rifai Mosque (2) Islamic Cairo (5) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
CitadelTuesday September 14, 2004
Citadel, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
The Citadel, home to Egypt's rulers for some 700 years.
Search for:Citadel (6) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Mohammed Ali MosqueTuesday September 14, 2004
Mohammed Ali Mosque, Citadel, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
Mosque of Mohammed Ali on top of the Citadel.
In this catagory:Mohammed Ali Mosque (3) Citadel (6) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Mohammed Ali MosqueTuesday September 14, 2004
Mohammed Ali Mosque, Citadel, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
Detail of the southern promenade of the Mohammed Ali mosque.
Related:Mohammed Ali Mosque (3) Citadel (6) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Islamic CairoTuesday September 14, 2004
Islamic Cairo, Citadel, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography
Citadel view of Islamic Cairo and the Ar-Rifia and Sultan Hassan mosques.
Find me:Islamic Cairo (5) Citadel (6) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Mohammed Ali MosqueTuesday September 14, 2004
Mohammed Ali Mosque, Citadel, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
Mohammed Ali mosque yard.
In this catagory:Mohammed Ali Mosque (3) Citadel (6) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
CairoTuesday September 14, 2004
Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
Taking the night train to Luxor from Ramses station.
In this catagory:Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)