ISP website
My part: Graphics design, HTML and back-end link of Webmail (screenshot unfortunuately unavailable). Implementation of Ht-dig in websearch. HTML implementation of graphic design in parts of the website. Various HTML.
Find me:ISP work (8) websites (64) portfolio (62) Cistron (5) html (65) linux (11)
My part: Graphics design, HTML and back-end link of Webmail (screenshot unfortunuately unavailable). Implementation of Ht-dig in websearch. HTML implementation of graphic design in parts of the website. Various HTML.

Online paintings and drawings gallery for artists John Miles Jeffries, Gretchen Hersman and Gerard Wiersum
My part: Graphics design, html, Javascript, perl & bash site generator, content maintenance.
Keywords: Jefrries, Hersman, Wiersum
Show me stuff on:freelance work (6) websites (64) portfolio (62) html (65) coding (10)
Go to: The Best Gallery You've Never Seen!
My part: Graphics design, html, Javascript, perl & bash site generator, content maintenance.