Cistron Internet ISP work, websites, portfolio, Cistron, html, perl, linux
ISP website

My part: Graphics design, HTML and back-end link of Webmail (screenshot unfortunuately unavailable). Implementation of Ht-dig in websearch. HTML implementation of graphic design in parts of the website. Various HTML.
Find me:ISP work (8) websites (64) portfolio (62) Cistron (5) html (65) linux (11)
Little Brother ISP work, websites, portfolio, Cistron, html, perl, linux
Server monitor system.

My part: Graphics design, html templates
Search for:ISP work (8) websites (64) portfolio (62) Cistron (5) html (65) linux (11)
Cistron WAP2001
Cistron WAP ISP work, websites, portfolio, Cistron, wml, xml, perl, coding, linux
ISP wap website.

My part: Graphics design, WML, Perl back-end
Keywords: wml Find me:ISP work (8) websites (64) portfolio (62) Cistron (5) xml (38) coding (10) linux (11)
The Best Gallery You've Never Seen! freelance work, websites, portfolio, html, perl, coding, Jefrries, Hersman, Wiersum
Online paintings and drawings gallery for artists John Miles Jeffries, Gretchen Hersman and Gerard Wiersum

My part: Graphics design, html, Javascript, perl & bash site generator, content maintenance.
Keywords: Jefrries, Hersman, Wiersum Show me stuff on:freelance work (6) websites (64) portfolio (62) html (65) coding (10) Go to: The Best Gallery You've Never Seen!
Univers(al) TimelineTuesday August 28, 2007
Universal Timeline,coding,Linux,Perl,ImageMagick,Gimp
A timeline of the universe, solar system and evolution of life.

(Captions are in Dutch.)

Keywords: Universal Timeline, ImageMagick, Gimp Show me stuff on:coding (10) Linux (11)
ResumeWednesday December 16, 2009
resume, HTML, CSS,DHTML,XHTML, XML, Perl, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, CGI-BIN, Bash, scripting,Linux,FreeBSD,Apache,MySQL
  • Photoshop, The Gimp, Fireworks, Flash, Adobe Premiere, ImageMagick
  • Good TCP-IP knowledgde, cross browser testing, general internet knowledge
  • Windows XP a.o. Companies looking for an allround webmaster, webdesigner, webdeveloper, system administrator, concept artist or all of the above?
  • Keywords: resume, DHTML, XHTML, CGI-BIN, Bash, scripting, Apache Show me stuff on:HTML (65) CSS (45) XML (38) PHP (7) MySQL (5) Javascript (4) Linux (11) FreeBSD (2) MySQL (5)