Looking on to the front of the temple, with reliefs of Ramses battling Libyans.
Related:Medinat Habu (7) West Bank (21) Luxor (36) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)

Tomb Chapels of the Divine Adorers: indoor wall with some excelent hieroglyphs.
Related:Medinat Habu (7) West Bank (21) Luxor (36) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)

A closer look at the reliefs, basicly Ramses boasting about his victories. (kills counted by severed hands and genetials... maybe in the next Quake version?)
Find me:Medinat Habu (7) West Bank (21) Luxor (36) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)

First Court: giant statues (...Ramses I presume?). Note the woman near the left statue for an idea of scale.
See more:Medinat Habu (7) West Bank (21) Luxor (36) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)

Huge pillars and walls covered with hieroglyphs. On some the paint is still preserved.
Find me:Medinat Habu (7) West Bank (21) Luxor (36) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)

Second Court: if it wasn't for the roof, this would be a very nice casa to live in. (Hint: find the two women...)
In this catagory:Medinat Habu (7) West Bank (21) Luxor (36) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)

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