Valley of the KingsFriday September 17, 2004
Valley of the Kings, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
center: tombes of Ramses III and Horenheb, right: tombs of Ramses VI and Thutankhamun, left: tomb where we burried all the tourists.
Related:West Bank (21) Luxor (36) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)
Valley of the KingsFriday September 17, 2004
Valley of the Kings, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
Inside tomb of Ramses VI, stone sarcophagi.
Get me more on:West Bank (21) Luxor (36) Egypt 2004 (115) travel (2523) photography (2541)