Commodore 64 tribute screenshots screenshots,favorites
Randomly pastes screenshots of Commodore 64 games - Mask of the Sun, Dallas Quest, Theatre Europe, Golden Axe, Revs, Spy vs Spy 2, Hacker, Game Music V demo, Bombjack a.o.
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Windows 95 desktop desktops,screenshots,favorites
Windows 95 running Netscape 4.
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Linux WindowMaker desktop21:46 on Tuesday September 15, 1998
Linux WindowMaker desktop screenshots,desktops,favorites
Linux X-Windows WindowMaker.
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TurtleMay, 1999
Dit is een zee schildpad.
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Artwork,Airbrush,Whisky,favorites,booze Whisky
Keywords: Whisky, booze Related:Artwork (13) Airbrush (8)
Keywords: jungle Get me more on:Artwork (13) Airbrush (8) Jaguar (2) animals (4)
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Linux Enlightenment DR16 Xinerama desktops,screenshots,favorites
Linux X-Windows Enlightement DR16 in Xinerama (dual monitor) mode running GQView.
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Nile riverSaturday September 11, 2004
Nile river, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
If you survive Cairo Frogger, you get to see the Nile.
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Nile riverSaturday September 11, 2004
Nile river, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
I think these are Nile party boats populair mainly by the Cairo youth on Friday night (Sabbath)
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TowerSaturday September 11, 2004
Tower, Cairo, Egypt 2004,travel, photography,favorites
The Cairo Tower, build as a big (m) finger to the U.S. (funded with U.S. money, ment as a bribe to buy U.S. arms.)
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