train - Wednesday September 22, 2004
train - Wednesday September 22, 2004

Farmland. Replace the trees with oaks, change the weather and it's pretty much the same as in Holland.
Find me:train (7) Egypt 2004 (115) photography (2541)
Cairo - Thursday September 23, 2004
Cairo - Thursday September 23, 2004

The Kahn al-Khalili bazaar were I bought a sheesha. Plenty to choose from...
Keywords: Kahn al Khalili
Search for:Cairo (40) Egypt 2004 (115) photography (2541)

Near the book market. Appart from plenty of Korans they also sold an old dutch 'Eppo' here...
Keywords: Ezbekiyya
See more:Cairo (40) Egypt 2004 (115) photography (2541)

Very last (sunset) view of the Nile. Very peacefull, nice weather.
Show me stuff on:Nile river (15) Cairo (40) Egypt 2004 (115) photography (2541)

Rain, freezing winds and all hell breaking loose... yup, we are home.
Keywords: Netherlands
See more:Schiphol Airport (3) Egypt 2004 (115) photography (2541)
Schiphol - Tuesday October 2, 2007

14:00 uur. Klaar voor vertrek. Met Continental Airlines vliegen we eerst in 10 uur naar Houston (Texas) en daarna in een paar uur naar Mexico stad.
Get me more on:Schiphol (5) Mexico 2007 (463) photography (2541)
Greenland - Tuesday October 2, 2007
Canada - Tuesday October 2, 2007

Langs New Foundland vliegen we over Canada.
See more:Canada (4) Mexico 2007 (463) photography (2541)